Sowing Seeds….80’s Flashback


I have an 80’s tune rattling in my brain…”Sowing The Seeds of Love” by Tears for Fear. At that particular point in my life I didn’t get it! To me the song was just a pretty cool tune that harmonized well and had some interesting lyrics for sure but I really didn’t get it. The truth of this became so obvious in the upsetting nature of how I struggled from day to day for so many of those years, literally living out what I had been sowing into my everyday life and not much of it was in love.

I am now captivated by the verse written in this song, “Anything is possible when you are sowing the seeds of love, Anything is possible.” I am seeing this possibility lived out every day now and I am “fully joy” about every confirmation of its manifestation. More interesting to note is the verse, “They look to the skies for some kind of divine intervention.” I am of the opinion we are already divinely intervened if we have courage to ask for help and the faith to believe we are heard. May we all get past the skeptic friends or family who make fun of us for wanting a better future and just go for it with all of our hearts. Sow some of your own seeds in love and grow a crop of incredible yield!

Battle On

“Be kind for everyone you know is facing a great battle.” I don’t know who originally wrote those words but they seem appropriate when starting out the day. Be it drivers on the freeway or that rude gentleman who stands before a counter barking orders about his coffee, I have to remember they may be in a battle of some kind. In my head I want to just tell the man to give it a rest and we won’t even discuss the hand motions I’d like to give away to other drivers.

Restraint has become a kindness for me even when it is painful. Not doing what every impulse in my aching body wants to do is a sort of painful non-action. Later that spirit of wisdom within tries to encourage me with words like, “See, aren’t you glad you didn’t say or do that?” I will admit my teachable nature can still be defiant and I have been known to answer back, “No! That guy deserved a good smack.” Most of the time however I am glad for my turning the other cheek.

I wonder at times for the hurts people have suffered that they feel a need to take it out on the world and then I am reminded of my own hurts and understanding floods through me. I am forgiven so I must live to forgive.