“Seek Me Diligently”

“I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently will find me.” Proverbs 8:17

In conversations I have been asked if I’m alright because I enjoy being alone more then most. I understand it’s simply concern for my wellbeing, but my heart longs so much for them to understand the absolute treasure I have found in this “alone” time. You see, none of us are ever really alone, but not many will seek the Lord’s presence while being alone.

With diligence I have sought my heavenly Father and in doing so He has made Himself known to me in wonderful ways. Ways my heart, my eyes and my ears recognize. So much in fact, I will purpose myself to be alone with Him, enjoying His love as it washes over me.

In my darkest hours He is comfort, in my anxiety He is calm, in my restlessness He is peace, in my desperation He is hope, in my wounds He is healing, in my struggles He is help, in my hurt He is love.

I have sought Him and I have found Him, just as His word speaks…..He is truth.